Achieving A or A* in public exams!

Study in the top universities in the world

Our tutor team helped countless students attain Grade A or A*, who have mostly been admitted to Medicine, Laws and Finance. Many of our students have been admitted to leading universities, such as G5 and Ivy League. 

Both school exams and public exams are crucial for applying for the top universities.

Prepare as early as possible for your career plan. If you desire academic excellence, ACT NOW!

Attaining A or A*!

Nicholas was a Year 13 student. After taking tutorial classes with us, he improved a lot, and he finally attained an A* in Chemistry in GCE A-Level exam. He was successfully admitted to medical school at the University of Hong Kong. Congratulations!

Jasmine got a predicted grade of D in Chemistry in Year 12. After taking tutorial classes with us, she raised one grade per season and finally attained an A* in Chemistry in GCE A-Level exam. She was successfully admitted to medical school at the University of New South Wales. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Franklin, one of our students, who achieved 43/45 in the IB Exam! He got 7/7 in both Physics (Sunny Sir) and Chemistry (Chi Lung Sir)! We would like to give thanks to the previous tutor of Franklin. I believe that the tutor would be comforted in heaven to see his student getting good result.


Sherman was a Year 13 student. He attained an A in Chemistry in GCE A-Level exam and made it to University College London! Congratulations!

Selima was a HKDSE student. As she would migrate to U.K. with her family soon, she would set for the IGCSE exam. At that time, she still had a lot of topics to learn, so her mother come to us three months before the public exam. Finally, she got A* in all Physics, Chemistry and Biology! Congratulations!

Showing great academic improvement!

When Max was in Form 3, he never passed any Math exams at school. After taking tutorial classes with us, he has improved a lot and even won the Math Leap Award!

When Kathy was in Form 6, she never passed any Chemistry exams in school and her predicted grade was only 3. After taking tutorial classes with us, she passed her school exams and eventually, she raised two grades and got a 5 in HKDSE!

TV Programs

In March 2021, Dylan Tsui was featured in TVB’s program ‘Study without borders – United Kingdom’. He shared his experiences of studying oversea.

Dylan finished the IGCSE course in only a few months and attained multiple As in different subjects in IGCSE and GCE A-Level. He is currently studying Physiotherapy at the University of Essex.

Room 1309, 13/F, Workingbond Commercial Centre,
No.162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon 

(Prince Edward MTR Exit B1)

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