
All our professional tutors are full-time or registered or retired teachers, or even doctors, who have at least 5 to 30 years experiences in teaching, and attained Grades A* in public exams themselves!
Our goal is to enable students to achieve the best results in public exams, in order for them to enter the top universities in the world.
Our tutor team helped countless students attain Grade A*, who have mostly been admitted to Medicine, Laws and Finance.
Many of our students have improved dramatically, or have been admitted to leading universities, such as G5 universities, Ivy League universities or medical schools in famous universities.

We believe in Value for Money!

The value of tutoring is to greatly improve students’ academic results at schools and in public exams for them to study their preferred universities and professions. If there is no obvious improvement after tutoring, it feels like both a waste of time and money.

Our tutor team helped countless students attain Grade A*, who have mostly been admitted to Medicine, Laws and Finance. Our students have been mostly admitted to leading universities, such as Oxbridge, Imperial, UCL, LSE, UCLA, UChicago.

Even though some of our students are not aiming for Medicine or Laws, our tutor team has plenty of successful cases, whose academic performance have been greatly improved, who have been enabled to study their preferred universities and professions.

Our professional tutors are registered or retired teachers who have over 10 to 30 years experience in teaching. Therefore, the hourly rate starts at $500.

Definitely not.
What an agent do is just matching students with teachers.
What we actually do is, besides online teaching, offline supports are also given so as to improve
students’ results.
We constantly follow the study progress of the students and communicate with the parents.
Homework or past papers are given, and they are marked by our teaching assistant team.
The marked homework or past papers are sent back to the students through the WhatsApp’s group
before the next lesson.

Generally speaking, most of our instructors are full-time teachers, registered teachers or retired teachers.

However, if a parent specifically asks for a university student, we also have current medical students. 

Our medical undergraduates have attained Grades A*s in public exams, and they have insightful examination strategies.

Year 3 is the Enrichment Year for medical students, so they have time for tutoring.

Medical students charge less than full-time registered teachers or retired teachers since they are relatively less experienced in teaching.  

Our tutors specialise in UK exams, international exams and medical admission tests, i.e. IGCSE, GCE, IAL, IB, UCAT, BMAT及IELTS.

Some of our tutors assist in AP, SAT and HKDSE.

The main subjects taught include Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 

Local school: Diocesan Boys’ School, Diocesan Girls’ School, Wah Yan, Ying Wa, La Salle, St. Paul’s Co-Ed, St. Joseph’s, Marymount, Wong Kam Fai, King George V, ShaTin College, Renaissance College, German Swiss, etc.
UK boarding school: Brighton, Tonbridge, Bromsgrove, Cheltennarm Ladies, Concord, Badminton, Headington, Harrow, Millfield, Plymouth, etc.

We mainly offer one-to-one online tutoring via Zoom or Skype. For instance, students in the UK can have their tutorial lessons in the afternoon local time, while it would be evening for our tutors in Hong Kong. 

Our centre also offers face-to-face lessons at our centre: Workingbond Commercial Centre, No.162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon.

As for home tutoring, we only offer limited home tutoring service where the home address is close to our tutors’. This may incur additional charges. 

We only offer basic overseas study advice. 

Having said that, our business partners specialise in studying in the UK/US and career planning services. 

Prepare early for a successful application. Contact us for more details. 

If parents find certain tutors not suitable for your children’s needs, please contact us. 

We will swap teachers according to your needs. 

We normally use Zoom or Skype for all our online classes.

We think that big group online classes do affect students’ learning outcomes, but not one-to-one teaching. 

What is education? Education is about asking questions and being answered. 

During online classes, our tutors keep raising questions in order to guide students to think and give answers. Students can continue to learn through this Q&A process. At the same time, the fundamental skills of answering questions effectively are developed. 

A lot of our students have great improvement in their academic performances after our online tutorial classes. 

Parents can also opt for face-to-face tutoring at our centre: Workingbond Commercial Centre, No.162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon


All our tutors are full-time registered teachers or retired teachers, therefore, we don’t offer any free taster sessions. 

It is possible to change the time as long as you notify us at least 24 hours prior to the lesson. 

If the student is ill on the day, the lesson can be rearranged as long as a fit note (sick note) is provided. 

We will charge half of the original cost of the lesson if a lesson is cancelled on the day without any justifiable cause. 

Our tutor team offers numerous exercises and past papers for practice after helping our students to understand each concept. They also equip students with exam strategies to achieve the best results in public exams!

Room 1309, 13/F, Workingbond Commercial Centre,
No.162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon 

(Prince Edward MTR Exit B1)

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